26. May 2022 |

Docker, Linux, user

Täielik segadus 🙂 Selleks, et Linuxis saaks Dockeriga lokaalselt php arendust teha, siis peab Docker, host ja PHP õigused paika sättima.

Digital Oceani õpetus täpselt olemas.

To run docker command without sudo, you need to add your user (who has root privileges) to docker group. (ref).

See current user: echo ${UID}

Official doc: Post-installation steps for Linux

You need to run your application as the same uid inside the container as you do on the host to get file ownership to match. (ref)

Something about application and root here.

Digital Ocean tutorial – WordPress with docker compose.
Probably the thing you are looking for – Docker in Development – Docker and File Permissions

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