6. Feb 2022 |

Eestiblogid.eu – my hobby project

To improve my coding skills in a safe environment I should start working more on the hobby project eestiblogid.eu. I currently has ~150 weekly users so if I mess something up it should not be huge problem 🙂

Currently it is just 2 small services which I call Reader and Writer.

Reader is a small independent PHP application which basically reads the given list of XML files (RSS feeds) every hour and checks if there is anything new. If there is something new then entry is made to the database. Rules for detecting “new” are very primitive. Therefore, quite often you can see duplicate posts. Reader will probably stay as it is. I should just make the code cleaner from time to time, implement some logging etc.

Writer is also a small php application (using Twig for templating and Bootstrap for styling) to generate views for the front end and reading data from database.

There is no admin panel at the moment. I go straight to the database to edit things (remove, deactivate, delete etc).

Up next

What I would like to do now is to prepare REST endpoints for the front end. Probably it will be php backend built with Laravel or Lumen using their Eloquent ORM.

Front end should be built with React together with admin views for myself (using JWT for authentication).

I try to keep you informed of the progress under this eestiblogid.eu tag.

Update 09.03.22

It has been less than a month. I have not done anything (too busy with my internship). But, meanwhile, Lumen has become extinct (not being developed any further) and I am most probably considering GraphQL (with Lighthouse) insead of REST. So probably it is good that I have not done much.

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