13. Jun 2021 |

Plans for summer

At the moment it is exams period going on. I am quite anxious because of that, to be honest. But still already thinking about summer projects.

  1. I would like to rebuild this quick throwup of eestiblogid.eu project using Rest API architecture, React front-end, maybe some basic admin panel for posts management, statistics board and recommendations. Also, the algorithm for checking already existing posts needs improvement (at the moment duplication check takes place in database :D). It will probably stay as php project.
  2. Work on battleship game in C# for the C# course I need to retake in the autumn.
  3. Get better in bjj. I already joined a beginners course here. Feel free to join whenever you like (you can ignore all the dates, invoice is updated accordingly).
  4. Most of the time (every day), most important project this summer is an internship as .NET developer.

And if there is any time left then I would like to walk through the Java web applications course coming in autumn.

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