Inspired by this article and the economic situation for musicians I wrote this little script. This lets Spotify to play your favourite artists on rotation and automatically presses “next” after every 33 (+ littlebit of random) seconds. 30 seconds is the minimum amount of time a song must be listened to before Spotify registers a single “play”.
Loading the song also takes little bit of time so you can not maximize the play count by making the loop take exactly 30 seconds long.
function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } function doSomething() { var button = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Next"]');; } (function loop() { var rand = getRandomInt(33000, 37000); console.log(rand); setTimeout(function() { doSomething(); loop(); }, rand); }());
If you are using Spotify in your browser the press ctrl+shift+k or just F12, open console tab, paste this code there and press enter. This code does nothing but pressing the button with title attribute “Next” after every 33-37 seconds (random between these times).

It is one option to support your favourite artists 🙂