2. Sep 2021 |

VPS price comparison – student in search of the cheapest

My main use of VPS is that i need to keep my dev MS SQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB servers somewhere. The cheapest Hetzner VPS has done the job though for simple CRUD tasks. But bigger appliations (like WooCommerce) the Digital Ocean’s smallest droplet tends to become slow. Therefore I would not recommend anything below Hetzner’s CPX11 2 vCPU and 4GB of RAM.

The cheapest end of VPS

Minimum requirements: 1vCPU and 2GB memory. Looking only for Linux machines.

AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and Alibaba Cloud are much more expensive and more difficult to use for this simple purpose of just hosting few Docker containers with capped (end therefore predictable) pricing.

If you need 2 vCPU then starting price at the moment is shown in the table below.

Digital Ocean $15
Hetzner CPX11 € 4.75

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