4. Jan 2021 |

6/100 – exam

Felt myself strong and very fit before the exam. Not that strong afterwards 😀 But was fun 1h 45min rally.

Main learnings from the exam:

  • If you have a tree with only two levels of depth and ~10 entities then you don’t need to invent a universal search algorithm. Just two loops is enough.
  • serialize() in php creates a string that includes special characters. Therefore, if you are using front-controller pattern, you also need to encode and later decode it. Otherwise, data gets lost.

Found hilarious Github repo. If you are asking what C# for beginners course is in TalTech then in a nutshell: EnterpriseQualityCoding (just imagine that it is written in C# instead of Java). It is a FizzBuzz (very simple game) EnterpriseEdition (written in a complicated way).

5. Dec 2020 |

C# – cannot resolve symbol ‘UseIdentityColumns’

Getting build errors in DAL after InitialMigrate due to missing nuget package.

If you get such an error from Rider after initial migration dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --project DAL --startup-project WebApp that cannot resolve symbol ‘UseIdentityColumns’ then please check that you have nuget package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer v5.0.0 installed in DAL (data access layer) class library. I had it missing and could not figure out for some time and Stack Overflow did not have any threads available for it at this point.

I use C# 9, dotnet 5.0 and Rider EAP 2020.3 at the moment. If you use any of the earlier versions of dotnet or C# then please pay attention to getting the correct version of the package.