18. Oct 2019 |

Finding descriptive statistics about IT studies in TalTech

Good statistics about school and subjects are really difficult to find even though we are quite often talked about the importance of high-quality data. But I found some here: ÕIS – Üldinfo – Statistika – Õppekavad – Õppeainete statistika. Quite… huh.

This is the picture of autumn semester results in the year 2018/2019 on my curriculum IADB17/17. These all are not the first-year subjects! I highlighted the subjects that I study in this first year’s first semester. I wonder what is going on with the basics of programming (ITI0102) where there are 441 students in the beginning but only 271 in the end (out of which 95% get a positive result). Our teacher Ago commented that the drop-out is ~30% and it is significant among session students (which is something I understand).

Also, an interesting finding for me is that the subject named “Sets, relations, systems” (of which I have already written here) seems to be the real gourmet subject. Out of hundreds of students, only 26 have decided to study it. And it also has the second-lowest average grade out of this selection of subjects.

I still have not found anything to use for the graduation rate.

Random things that need sharing

The canteen of IT College has its own Spotify playlist. Because why not. And I like these soundproof phone booths in TalTech Library. I like that doors open themselves. Very effective solution for minimizing the spread of viral infections though minimizing the contact with highly likely contaminated surfaces (like door handles).

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