18. Dec 2019 |

Last day at school this year and… I am confused

TL;DR In order to create some buffer that allows me to study useful things (computer sciences) at a feasible pace I need to study… other things. And it is only my fault.

I am writing it only to clear my thoughts

All my life I have liked going to school and I still do. Initially, my idea was to come to TalTech and to study things that I need. I have written about the need here and everything in the study programme seemed to fit. And NOT to study things that I already have learnt.

I have a master’s degree in business administration and have worked 7 years in an international company. So there is no actual need (at least I feel this way) to study English (12 EAP!!!), basic economics (6EAP!!!), business communication (3EAP), entrepreneurship (3EAP) etc. It is simply a waste of my time without any benefit.

There is a VÕTA solution, that would allow me to get previously mentioned subjects “done”. The snag is that VÕTA does not help meeting the semester’s EAP requirement. And my problem is that I am not simply capable of learning ONLY computer-subjects at the pace that is needed (30EAP worth of “something from the programme” every semester) if I decide not to create a buffer with unnecessary subjects.

So, from next semester I will start learning English to create some buffer. Because otherwise, I would have to pay 40€ every semester for every EAP that I am missing from cumulative EAP requirement.


I prepared such overview of IADB17/17 subjects. Maybe I am getting it wrong but there are two illustrative KPIs for subjects:

  • The average grade
  • Positive results / declarations ratio

I am curious who suggested that Logic is the only recommended elective course on the 2nd semester’s standard study plan? Nothing else is not even mentioned there 😀 By forementioned KPIs it seems to be the hardest subject on the programme. And for spring semester there are plenty of other things to choose from.

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